Pupil Membership Services

Kent ISD Pupil Membership staff provide the following services to Kent ISD constituent districts:

  • Pupil Membership Consultation
  • Pupil Accounting Support & Training
  • Audit & Certification of Fall/Spring Pupil Membership Counts
  • Teacher Certification Review
  • Section 25e Audit & Claim Processing
  • Days, Hours, & Attendance Review & EOY Certification
  • Graduation and Dropout (GAD) Exit Request Processing & GAD Audit
  • CEPI - Limited MSDS & EEM Collections Support

Pupil Membership Forms and Resources

Below you will find applicable pupil accounting forms and information under each block heading.  Click on the box to expand the information.

FTE (full-time equivalent) membership claimed by each school district and public school academy within Kent ISD.

School Year 2023-24:

Fall Audited Count
Spring Audited Count

School Year 2022-23:

Fall Audited Count
Spring Audited Count

School Year 2021-22:
Fall Audited Count
Spring Audited Count

School Year 2020-21:
Fall Audited Count
Spring Audited Count

School Year 2019-20:
Fall Audited Count
Spring Audited Count

2024-25 Count Days & Deadlines

Fall Count - October 2, 2024

Nov. 6, 2024:    MSDS Fall Submission & Initial Certification Due to CEPI

Nov. 13, 2024:  Fall Audit Materials Due to ISD

Nov. 13, 2024:  MSDS Fall Re-Certification Due to CEPI 

Spring Supplemental Count - February 12, 2025

Mar. 19, 2025:  MSDS Spring Submission & Initial Certification Due to CEPI

Mar. 26, 2025:  Spring Audit Materials Due to ISD

Mar. 26, 2025:  MSDS Spring Re-Certification Due to CEPI

Alternate Count Days  

For early childhood special education, part-time kindergarten, shared time instructional programs, and block schedules for which some courses are not scheduled to meet on count day...

The immediate following day on which the program or course is in session shall be the observed alternate attendance day for that program or course.

For districts not in session on the fall or spring count day due to conditions not within the control of school authorities, or due to a date of religious or cultural significance (as determined by the district)...

With the approval of the State Superintendent, the immediate following day on which district is in session shall be the observed alternate count day.

Minimum Instructional Days/Hours Remain 180 days and 1,098 hours 

SY 2024-25 Days & Clock Hours of Instruction Forms

Excel DocumentPA-45 - Days & Hours of Instruction Form

Excel DocumentPA-45A - Days & Hours ISD Programs Form

Excel DocumentPA-45HC - Days & Hours ECSE Home Community Programs Form

Excel DocumentPA-45Cyber - Days & Hours Cyber Schools Form

Word DocumentPA-QPD Annual Certification Statement (when claiming qualifying PD as instruction)

SY 2024-2025 FTE for ISD Programs

PDF DocumentPA-45A(1) Kent ISD Operated Programs Days & Hours

End of Year Days & Clock Hours Submission

PDF DocumentEEM D/CH Quick Entry Guide

Excel DocumentPA-EOY Days, Hours, and Attendance Tracking Form(Excel-based form created to allow the reporting of 21f(14) virtual days and provide auto-tallying. The PA-EOY form replaces the old MDE Days, Hours, & Attendance Tracking Document)

Word DocumentPA-21f(14) Virtual Days/Hours Compliance Statement (Please have authorized representative sign and submit this form if your district held any 21f(14) days this year.)

Excel DocumentPA-46 Canceled and Forgiven Worksheet (optional, may submit in lieu of PA-EOY form)

Excel DocumentPA-45B - 75% Daily Attendance Log (use only if district SIS cannot produce 75% report)

Note: Forms and additional documents that must be submitted for audit are identified on the Checklist. 

Forms to Submit:

Word DocumentPA-2 Building Checklist 

Word DocumentPA-201 Verification: Teacher Certification/QPD/Field Trips/Recess

Word DocumentPA-202 Count Day Absence List - Elementary

Word DocumentPA-203 Count Day Absence List - Secondary

Additional Elementary or Secondary Pop III Forms to Submit, if Applicable:

Word DocumentPA-5B (CE) Cooperative Education Programs (SE/Virtual/Other) 

Word DocumentPA-5D Homebound/Hospitalized Pupils 

Word DocumentPA-5E(PS) Nonpublic & Homeschool Pupils at Public School 

Word DocumentPA-5F Part-Time Pupils

Word DocumentPA-5H Reduced Schedule (G9-12 & SPED Pupils w/IEP Less than Full-Time) 

Word DocumentPA-5K Early Childhood Special Education

Word DocumentPA-5M Split Schedule

Additional Secondary Pop III Forms to Submit, if Applicable:

Word DocumentPA-5A Alternative or Innovative Education  

Word DocumentPA-5B (ISD) Cooperative Education, ISD Programs 

Word DocumentPA-5GA Post-Secondary (Dual) Enrollment  

Word DocumentPA-5GB Early/Middle College 

Word DocumentPA-5GC Post-Secondary Gifted and Talented Programs (ATYP & PATH) 

Word DocumentPA-5L Special Education Transition

Word DocumentPA-5N (5C) Suspended/Expelled & Home Based Instruction

Word DocumentPA-5OA Distance Learning & Independent Study

Word DocumentPA-5OD Virtual Learning Options

Excel Document PA-5OD(1) Virtual Learning Options Participation Summary Fall 2024

Excel Document PA-5OD(1) Virtual Learning Options Participation Summary Spring 2025 

Word DocumentPA-5P Work Based Learning

Word DocumentPA-5QA(1) Sec. 23a Dropout Recovery Program

Word DocumentPA-5QA(2) Sec. 23a District Certification Form

Word DocumentPA-5QC Foreign Exchange Pupils

Word DocumentPA-6A/6C Experiential Learning & Future Proud MI Educator Explore

Word DocumentPA-6B Peer-to-Peer Program

For Kent ISD program personnel only.  Local districts and public school academies do not complete these forms.

For the following KISD Center Programs (FTE claimed directly by ISD); start with checklist 7(A):

  • Early Childhood Center 
  • Empower U
  • KEC-Beltline
  • KEC-Oakleigh
  • Kent ISD Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • Lincoln Developmental Center
  • Lincoln School
  • Pine Grove Learning Center

Building-Specific Forms for each membership count: 

District-Wide Forms for each membership count (submitted directly by KISD PA/IT staff): 

Additional forms for Center Programs, if applicable:

For the following Kent ISD Secondary Programs (FTE claimed by sending school); start with checklist 7(C):

  • Kent Career and Tech Center (KCTC)

  • MySchool@Kent (MSK)

Forms for each membership count:

Additional Audit Forms for Secondary Programs, if applicable:

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